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    Rate Reductions

    No Win / No Fee service

    Business rates are a very complex form of commercial property tax. In a large number of cases, the rateable value on a property is likely to be incorrect due to the government not having the people power and resources to fairly assess every commercial property in the UK. This leaves a lot of companies inadvertently paying too much on their own business rates. 

    There is a whole business sector in the UK dedicated to reviewing business rates. From the client's point of view, it is important that they work with a rating agent that can:

    Perform a full and complete review of their business rates so there is nothing left that has not been looked at. 

    That the case is fully risk assessed so the client can relax in the knowledge that their rates will not increase and will only either stay the same or get reduced. 

    That the surveying firm that work with has their best interests at heart, is regulated by RICS and only charges using a fee basis that is fair. 

    CPA are proud to boast that they operate under all 3 of these points. Being one of the few companies in the UK that can review business rates from all angles (both with the council and the valuation office), operate entirely on a performance fee basis and work under the regulation of RICS, achieving the high standards that they demand. 

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